Jefferson / Dodge County Bird Walks Past Walks Page

Recent Jefferson / Dodge Count Bird Walks
Where we went, and the birds that were there!
April, 2012 Birdwalk
- Dorothy Carnes Park / Rose Lake - birds of all sorts including Barred Owl!
Our May walk was cancelled.
June, 2012 Birdwalk
- East Side of Dorothy Carnes Park / Rose Lake - birding in the rain!
July, 2012 Birdwalk
- Korth Park - Prairie birds, dragonflies and prairie plants!
August, 2012 Birdwalk
- Horicon Marsh - Ospresy, Black Terns, Ruby Throated Hummingbirds!
September, 2012 Birdwalk
- Zeloski Marsh - Blackbirds, Tree Swallows and Goldfinches in droves!
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